Quickly Process Undelivered Orders
Handle undelivered orders swiftly with an automated workflow.
Efficiently manage undelivered orders
Easily assign actions to each order with our multifunctional NDR dashboard, accessible with just a few clicks
Prompt response from courier agent
Receive undelivered orders directly on your panel moments after the courier agent logs the non-delivery
Cut down on RTO and NDR
Swiftly handle undelivered orders in real-time, and minimize RTO by up to 10%
Traditional Process for Handling Undelivered Orders
- The courier executive attempts to deliver the order to the recipient.
- The recipient is unavailable or unable to accept the order.
- The courier records the non-delivery and adds it to the day's list of undelivered orders.
- By EOD the courier partner sends a cumulative Excel sheet, and you manually contact the recipient to ask for their return preference.
- The courier partner updates the status the following day.
- The courier attempts to deliver the shipment again the next day.
Bigship’s Way of Handling Undelivered Orders
- The courier executive attempts to deliver the order to the recipient.
- The recipient is unavailable or unable to accept the order.
- Bigship promptly records non-delivery details in real-time using advanced tracking systems.
- Instant notifications with detailed delivery failure information are automatically sent via email to the recipient for quick updates.
- The courier partner receives updates immediately.
- The courier re-attempts delivery later the same day or the following day.
NDR Management: FAQs
NDR or Non-Delivery Report indicates failed delivery attempts, while RTO or Return to Origin means the shipment is returned to the sender due to unsuccessful deliveries or the recipient's refusal to accept.
Bigship offers a consolidated view of undelivered orders, enabling swift action. Receive undelivered order notifications in your panel moments after courier agents report non-delivery. For instance, if an order is marked undelivered today, it instantly appears in your Bigship panel.
Automated management of undelivered orders ensures a decrease in time between reattempts while increasing the chances of delivery of these orders.
As soon as the courier partner updates the NDR status of the undelivered order with the reason, the same gets updated in the Bigship panel.